20 Books That Can Help You On Your Success Journey
Developing your career can often go overlooked because of the pressures of the job and life in general. Here are a few books that can help to provide clarity, challenge you, and even change you! 20 Books For Busy and Growing Professionals: 1. “The Lean Startup” by Eric Ries This book offers insights on how […]
Managing Your Team and Business Post COVID – What’s Your Plan?
The pandemic caught nearly everyone off guard, but staffing firms brought unique expertise to the new challenges businesses face. Chances are you’re continuing to experience new challenges and opportunities and challenges in the pandemic and its aftermath. If you would like expert assistance, contact the specialists at The Panther Group. 5 Team Management Concepts to […]
Summer Reading Series: Great Management Books You May Not Have Heard Of
Summer is the perfect time to finally read all those books that you know will improve your management skills and boost your leadership quotient that you just can’t get to during the rest of the year. Here are great management books you may not have heard of. 6 Top Management Books 1. The Effective Executive: […]