
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) are core components of our mission.

Our Commitment To Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging

Diversity recruitment builds a quality workforce that meets legal requirements and maximizes your bottom line – creating a positive impact on both business and the community. With ever-changing demographics requiring companies to adapt to a more broad-minded staffing model, it’s never been more important to plan a DEIB strategy that is deeply effective.

Create An Effective DEIB Strategy With The Panther Group

The Panther Group is minority owned and certified, making diversity, equity and inclusion core components of our mission. With our commitment to respecting and empowering our employees and clients as individuals, diversity is a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Diversity and inclusion are our top business priority, consistent with our values of integrity, respect, collaboration, empowerment and trust. We value and respect our individual differences. Our appreciation of a diverse workforce helps to attain our full potential, adding value to our company and giving us a distinct competitive advantage within our marketplace and community.

As a global company, Panther understands the importance of an inclusive workplace.

We value the differences that each of our employees and clients brings – and strive to make The Panther Group a better place to work for our team.

Diverse Workforce. Building a diverse workforce is worth the time, effort, and money. Companies that are purposeful about building a diverse workforce are more likely to outperform their competitors, capture new markets, and are more likely to have higher revenue than companies that don’t.  With 30 years of recruitment experience and expertise, especially by building up its pool of diverse talent, The Panther Group is the perfect partner.  We can help you scale when needed, source diverse talent on-demand, and help you accomplish your diversity initiatives with ease.

Supplier Diversity.  The Panther Group partners with a diverse supplier base that includes minority, women, 8(a) certified, small disadvantaged, veteran and disabled veteran business suppliers to meet the needs of our clients.

MSP Diversity.  Equally important, our Managed Service Provider (MSP) programs allow us to provide a diverse supplier base for our clients.

Procurement Diversity.  Our commitment to diversity extends to the vendors we use internally. We seek diverse suppliers for the goods and services we need for our own business needs.

Supplier Mentorship.  The Panther Group owes much of its success to a broad diversity program and early mentoring partnerships. We pay it forward by providing the same to other diversity-owned businesses. Our mentorship program is designed to help emerging diversity businesses successfully compete in the marketplace.

If you are interested in our Mentorship Program opportunities, please email us at mentorship@thepanthergroup.com.

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