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The Real Reason Why Thank-You Notes Are So Important

Most job seekers know after an interview, you’re supposed to send a thank-you letter to your interviewer. But the truth is: not everyone does. And, of those who do, not many of them do so sincerely.

Of course, these individuals are usually the ones who, weeks later, are left wondering why they never heard back from their interviewer.

That’s no coincidence.

If you want to have any chance of securing a position with a company, the thank-you letter is essential. Here’s why:

It Forges an Authentic Connection

All job interviews consist of two main parties: the interviewer and the interviewee.

When you come into an interview, you’re basically seen as a commodity. Your interviewer is likely thinking about you in terms of your value to their company. Whether they like you as a person is irrelevant. Until you make it so.

By sending a thank-you note after an interview, you become a person, rather than a prospect. You add a little bit more to the relationship between the two of you – which puts you at an advantage over anyone who didn’t take the time to send a follow-up letter.

It Puts You in the Spotlight

Along with that last sentiment, sending a thank-you letter to an interviewer makes you stand out over other interviewees who simply went on their merry way. Many prospective employees fail to do this incredibly simple task – and it may end up costing them a chance to get hired.

By sending a thank-you letter to your interviewer, you remind them of your existence (which, as we said before, they may have already forgotten). And it also shows you have more than a passing interest in working with the company.

These two gentle nudges could be just what your interviewer needed to keep you at the top of their mind.

You Can Provide Additional Info

How many times have you left a job interview and thought “Ugh! I forgot to tell them about x, y, and z”? It happens.

When you follow up an interview with a thank-you note, you give your interviewer some additional information regarding your experiences and skills.

You also can use this note as a chance to ask further questions about the position or the company.

It’s Common Courtesy

Your interviewer took time out of their busy day to give you a chance to prove yourself. The least you can do is say “thanks.”

Yes, it’s their job to screen prospective employees; however, that’s no reason to not be gracious.

We’ve said it before, but it bears repeating: This small act of gratitude might be the act that sets you apart from other applicants, and gets you the callback you’re looking for.

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