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How Does Networking Really Help Your Job Search?

How Does Networking Really Help Your Job Search The Panther Group

Love it or hate it, networking is one of the most effective ways of finding new jobs and opportunities that will help further your career.

Let’s take a look at some of the reasons this is so.

Networking Keeps You Actively Searching

By keeping yourself in a “networking” mindset at all times, you’ll always be looking for a better opportunity for yourself.

And, in today’s ever-changing world of uncertainty, this will only serve to benefit you in the long run. Unfortunately, you never know when the company you’re working for is going to let you go; if you’ve continued to grow your network even after you landed your current position, you’ll be in much better shape to quickly find a new gig before your bills begin to pile up.

When in the networking mindset, you’ll start seeing every new connection as potential for growth – leading you to hold on to these new connections, no matter how minor they may seem at first.

Networking Increases Your “Luck”

Simply put:

The more you put yourself “out there,” the more likely you are to discover an opportunity for growth.

We tend to see those who have seemingly stumbled into a cushy job as “lucky.” But the truth is, these individuals most likely spent countless hours and loads of energy networking and following up with others who helped them get where they are today.

Sure, there is a bit of luck involved in meeting up with the person who hooks you up with your dream job. But you have a much better shot of actually finding this person if your network is made up of hundreds of people rather than dozens.

Networking Helps You Focus on Your Skills

When you’re in “networking mode,” you’re constantly thinking about your value proposition: what can you do for the people you just met?

When you’re applying for a new job, your goal is to stand out above all of the other applicants who handed in their resumes. If selling yourself isn’t your strong suit, you probably aren’t going to be able to make this happen.

On the other hand, if you’re constantly networking and looking for ways you can help others, selling yourself on an application or resume, or during an interview, will be second-nature. Not only will this allow you to showcase your skills and abilities effectively, but you’ll also be much more confident when doing so – which is exactly what your prospective employer will want to see.

There are several types of networking!

You don’t have to go to a networking event to networking. Networking with a recruiter at Panther can be an excellent way to get your resume in the hands of professionals who are always looking to connect great people with excellent opportunities.  It might not happen over night, but you’ll increase the odds of career movement with more exposure to great jobs.  Our hands-on approach and single point of contact ensure that each employer and job seeker is treated as our most important customer. This approach, combined with our specific industry knowledge, creates the right fit the first time. Check out these new job opportunities! Contact us to learn more.

Want To Make a Career Move? Partner With Panther!

The Panther Group stands ready to assist you in your quest for job placements, contract positions, direct hire roles, and professional careers. Don’t miss the opportunity to partner with us as you strive for your career grand slam. Visit our website today and take the first step toward a brighter professional future!

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