Important information to hire better and build your career from the experts in human capital.


What Kind of Research Should You Do When You Are Looking for A Good-Fit Job?

If you’ve ever quit or been fired from a job, you most likely ended up coming to the realization that the job in question just was not for you.

And you probably weren’t a good fit for the job, either.

There’s really nothing wrong with this. Not every job is suited for every person – and not every person is suited for every job.

Of course, the question is:

How do you determine if an upcoming position is right for you? And how do you determine if you’re the best person for the job? And how do you figure all this out before sinking an insane amount of time and energy into applying, interviewing, and working at said job?

Tip #1: Define What You Want

First things first, you need to know what you’re looking for in a job.

Are you looking for a job that demands you work upwards of 60 hours a week? Or are you looking to clock in at 9 and clock out at 5 to go home to your family?

Do you want a job that pays incredibly well? Or are you not interested in pay so much as you are in making a difference in the world?

Do you want to travel often? Or are you looking for a place to settle down?

Yes, there are jobs out there in which both sides of these equations could be fulfilled. But it’s essential that you figure out your own priorities before you end up getting stuck in a position that, quite frankly, isn’t for you.

Tip #2: Compare the Pros and Cons

After taking a good, long look at your list of needs and desires, start considering how certain jobs and careers that interest you align with this list.

While doing so, track the positive and negative aspects of each position you consider. But don’t limit these aspects to your initial list of desires. Instead, dig into other areas that you may not have at first considered.

For example, if you’ve decided you want to dedicate your life to your career and want to make a difference in the world, the field of education might at first seem like a good choice. However, maybe you think you’re not creative enough to devise interesting lesson plans, or you simply don’t want to work with children. Again, there’s nothing wrong with that – it just means you should look elsewhere.

Once you’ve come up with a decent amount of pros and cons regarding your career or job choice, you’ll be ready to start looking for open positions.

Tip #3: Don’t Stop Looking

After you’ve found – and been hired for – a job that fits you well, it can be rather tempting to just settle in and let things take their course.

Keep in mind, though, that it’s never too late to make a change.

You might end up not loving the job as much as you thought you might have. The scope of the job might change. Or, maybe you enjoy the work you’re given, but you simply hate the company you’re working for.

Whatever the case may be, don’t ignore the inclination to look elsewhere. The best-fit job for you at one point in your life might not be the best-fit for you a year or two in the future. Once more: there’s nothing wrong with this. On the contrary, by acknowledging this fact, you’ll actually be doing everyone involved – your employers, your colleagues, and yourself – a favor.

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