Important information to hire better and build your career from the experts in human capital.


How Do You Get Top Candidates To Walk Through Your Door?

As the owner or manager of a company, one of your top, ever-present concerns is ensuring you have the right people on board to help you attain your overarching goals.

Of course, this doesn’t always happen. There are always times in which an employee doesn’t work out, or doesn’t end up being the person you thought they’d be. Other times, you might not even be able to find that ideal employee – and be forced to settle for the best of the current batch of applicants.

Whatever the case may be, there are a few things you can do to all but ensure that you attract the right person for the job the next time you post an opening. In this article, we’ll go through some of the most important things to focus on when creating your next job posting.

TIp #1: Focus on Purpose

When you picture your ideal employee, do you picture someone that’s motivated by money, or by the actual work they complete on the job?

Yes, a competitive salary is important – we’ll get into that in a bit. But the absolute best employees aren’t simply motivated by a paycheck; they seek much more out of their careers, and out of their lives in general.

With this in mind, you should always make clear exactly how a given position adds to the overall mission of your organization. In other words, you want to explain to your prospective employees how their efforts will make a difference – to your company, the industry, and the world as a whole.

Tip #2: Focus on Work Completed, Not Hours Worked

Depending on who you ask, the 40-hour work week is either dying or is already dead.

The main reason for this is because many – if not most – professional occupations are based around the completion of projects (rather than on time spent sitting at a desk). It makes perfect sense: if it only takes a person twenty hours to complete a task, why should they be forced to sit around for another twenty?

(And, on the other side of things, if it takes an employee more than 40 hours – even if it shouldn’t have – why should employers be required to pay them for the extra time worked?)

Along with this, you may also want to allow flexibility in terms of when your employees work. Some individuals work best during the morning, and some work better at night – as long as they meet hard deadlines, why should the time of day they get down to business matter? Of course, with this flexible policy would also come the prospect of remote work, as well.

One last thing to think about regarding time spent on the clock is the idea of “unlimited” time off. Though much more nuanced than we have space for here, this goes along with the notion that, as long as the employee gets their work done on time, they should be allowed to take as much time off as they need to recharge and come back refreshed.

Tip #3: Benefits

As we said earlier, though money isn’t everything, it definitely is necessary to live a comfortable life in today’s society.

With that said, if you aren’t offering a competitive salary to prospective employees, you stand little chance of attracting the best of the best around.

There’s more, though, than simply offering a high-paying salary. Especially in today’s climate, other benefits – medical insurance, family leave, vacation time, etc. – are becoming the major deciding factors for individuals looking to apply to a given position. As strong benefits become more and more of a commodity, offering them to prospective employees can be just what it takes to draw in the right person for the job.

Are you looking for top candidates?

With a hands-on approach and a history of building lasting relationships, The Panther Group is a full-service staffing firm with an innovative approach. Contact us to is you’re looking for winners to add to your team!

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