As a C-level executive, you know all too well that any hangup or issue plaguing your company ultimately leads to loss – be it loss of time, loss of manpower, or loss of potential profits.
You probably also know that there are no shortage of these potential hangups, either; more than likely, some monkey wrench or another seems to gum up the works on an almost daily basis.
With that in mind, we’re going to take a look at the four most common problems that plague small and large companies alike – and discuss what you can do to begin remedying the problem right away.
1. Lack of Productivity
This, of course, is a big one.
According to Deloitte, productivity among US-based companies has dropped significantly over the past three decades.
Perhaps the crux of the issue is, quite simply, many companies haven’t adapted their processes to the emerging ways of the modern world. Typically, the companies that still operate in the “traditional” way are bound to be left behind their competitors.
Of course, there are a few things you can do to remedy this issue:
First, you’ll want to transition to a more task- or goal-based system of approaching work, overall. That is, rather than requiring your employees to work the traditional 40-hour workweek, you should shift their focus toward completing a task in full – whether it takes 25 hours or 50. This will cut down on any “downtime” your employees may take advantage of, as they’ll be expected to simply move onto the next project once the current one is complete.
Secondly, you’ll want to systematically de-silo your teams, instead opting to facilitate communication and collaboration among all of your employees. This, in turn, will lead each of your employees to share in the overall responsibilities of your organization as a whole – rather than simply focusing on their “on-paper” assignments and nothing more.
Finally, don’t discount the possibility of allowing your employees to work remotely. Going along with providing a flexible work schedule, if a task doesn’t necessitate that your employees complete it on-site, there’s no reason they can’t get it done when and where they’re most comfortable.
2. Administrative Issues
Undoubtedly, administrative processes take up a pretty decent amount of resources – human and otherwise.
First and foremost, you’ll want to assess your administrative processes objectively, looking to eliminate redundancies and non-essential procedures. More often than not, you’ll discover that your team has been doing things a certain way just because “that’s how it’s always been done.” Do away with these processes, and focus on what really matters.
Once you’ve cut away the excess, focus on automating as many processes as you can – without sacrificing quality, of course. This, again, goes back to looking for more efficient ways to accomplish tasks (rather than doing them the way they’ve always been done); if you can free up your human resources by putting a task on auto-pilot, you absolutely should do so.
Finally, you’ll want to reassess your task delegation processes. Essentially, this means ensuring that each and every task that needs be done is being worked on by the absolute best person for the job. This may require you to shift your employees’ responsibilities a bit, but it will enable your organization to run like a finely-tuned machine moving forward.
3. Technological Problems
It’s almost inherent:
The company that’s hesitant to adapt to the changing times is almost certain behind when it comes to technology. And, even if the high-level employees of said organization have come to terms with digital transformation, that doesn’t necessarily mean their employees have done so as well.
At any rate, the first stage of the process is simply accepting that technological advances affect – and will continue to affect – the way in which the business world operates. Again, the “traditional” way of doing things is quickly becoming obsolete; staying up with the times is no longer optional – it’s necessary.
The next step is to educate your employees with regard to the new technology being introduced on an almost ongoing basis. Simply put: technological tools are only useful if the person using them understands how to get the most out of them.
Finally, as mentioned, you want to make the proficient use of technology a prerequisite for hiring moving forward. This goes without saying: your new hires absolutely must be up to standard when it comes to new technology.
4. Employee Churn
Lastly, by today’s standards, “job hopping” isn’t all that uncommon; you’d wouldn’t be hard-pressed to find stories of professionals who have held three or four positions at three or four different companies over the past ten years.
Of course, this doesn’t bode well from the company’s perspective, as it means more downtime in looking for new hires.
That said, you’ll want to focus on doing whatever you can to keep your employees onboard for as long as possible. While this ultimately boils down to making your company an organization people love to work for, actually making it so may require a number of pivots.
You can start by surveying your current employees to discover what they love and don’t love about working at your company – then making the necessary changes accordingly. Typically, this will involve aligning your overall mission with that of your employees – and ensuring that newcomers share in this vision, as well.
There are a number of other ways you can create alignment between your employees in an effort to reduce churn.
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