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Panther Cares Nominates the Lowell Humane Society

Panther Cares Nominates the Lowell Humane Society

What Is Panther Cares?

Each year, people from our team nominate nonprofits for our organization to support financially.  At The Panther Group, we’re proud to support organizations that are working to make our communities better. Through Panther Cares, we make that happen! Below is one of our 2022 nominations that we are very proud to support!

What is the Lowell Humane Society?

Read our teammate’s nomination Below

I wanted to nominate this non-profit because I believe they deserve all the help they can get! This non-profit is one of the oldest humane organizations in the state of Massachusetts and has been providing shelter to up to 2,500 animals in Mass each year. The shelter is small and by no means luxurious, but they try their very best to help these animals with the little resources they have. The society is a private not for profit organization, so any and all operations are supported strictly through the donations and local support of Massachusetts residents. The society has been working for years to help prevent animal cruelty and help provide all homeless animals with a safe place for them to get out of the cold and into a forever home.

The society is by no means thriving and I believe they could use all the help they can get. With more donations, this non-profit would be able to put the funds towards providing care to the homeless and distressed animals that are living all throughout our local towns. All animals deserve the chance to live a comfortable life and placed into a home of love. Donating to this charity would help that cause immensely.

Learn More about the Lowell Humane Society Here

Want to know more?

You can explore more about Panther Cares, the organizations we support and more about our culture on our Panther Cares page.

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