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Capture Your Personal Energy to Maximize Your Career

Capturing Your Personal Energy to Maximize Your Career The Panther Group

If there is one universal common among employees at all levels it is that people are tired and burned out. The pandemic didn’t cause the current sense of overwhelm, but it didn’t help. People who were out of work had plenty of time to contemplate their futures. Those who were overworked may have wondered if there was a better way to earn a living and find professional fulfillment. Still others felt stuck in the middle, stretched thin between work and family obligations.

The irrefutable fact is that every individual has a finite amount of energy. Managing that energy can lead to professional success and professional fulfillment. The upside of all that stress is that people could see how resilient they were. They could adapt under challenging circumstances and focus on what was most important to them – where they wanted to use their energy. They realized how vital wellness and managing their energy were to resilience, productivity and professional success.

How Can You Manage Your Energy To Optimize Your Career?

1. Keep Your Work Separate

Many of those who worked from home found they were more productive throughout the day but had a tougher time disconnecting and shifting to downtime when the day was over. Whether you work from home or in an office, creating separation is essential. Even if you love your job, you’ll have nothing left for your family, hobbies, and other interests if you let it take all your energy. Your mental and physical health can suffer.

2. Make a Schedule

It may seem counterintuitive to schedule fun, but it may be what it takes to regain control of your energy and rebalance yourself. Make playdates giving yourself time to spend with friends, enjoy your hobbies, or just relax. If you have always been a voracious reader, it might seem counterintuitive to put 30 minutes per day on your schedule for leisure reading, but that may be what it takes to reset yourself until balance comes more naturally. Make sleep a priority, spend time outdoors, and reconnect with friends.

3. Get Off Autopilot

When you’re stressed, you may find yourself going through the motions—engaging in the same behavior without understanding why. Try to approach your workday and leisure more mindfully. Build in breaks, take lunch, and prioritize your tasks. If you are routinely included in meetings irrelevant to your job or goals, ask to be removed. If you are the one holding the meetings, consider if they could be eliminated or shortened.

Partner With The Panther Group

When you’re considering accounting, engineering or information technology staffing firms, The Panther Group makes an exceptional career partner. Our recruiters can offer advice on finding the right job and what different companies are like to work for. At The Panther Group, our recruiting team has built relationships with a wide range of employers. We can help you choose the opportunity that’s just right for you.

It costs you nothing to find a job through The Panther Group! We serve the following industries: ProfessionalAccounting & FinanceEngineeringLife SciencesInformation Technologyand Federal

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