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5 Things to Avoid When Applying for a New Job

When on the hunt for a new job, you might feel you need to do everything right.

And, well…you pretty much do.

Sure, all people make mistakes; we’re only human, after all. But when you’re trying to impress a prospective employer, you want to seem you’re as close to perfect as possible.

While there are a number of things you can do to make this happen, there are many things you can do that will immediately derail your advances.

Here are five things to avoid during your job search:

1) Not Fulfilling Requirements

Each job posting you come across will have specific instructions regarding how to apply, what documents to include and when you need to apply by.

Simply put: If you don’t pay attention to these requirements, you have no chance of getting a callback.

You might think it’s more “professional” to hand in a resume in person, but if the posting specifically states “please send electronic application only,” what you’re doing is telling the interviewer you don’t know how to follow directions. No matter how qualified you may be, your lack of adherence to the rules will be a deal breaker.

2) Rushing

Let’s be honest: Searching for a job isn’t necessarily the most exhilarating way to spend your time.

But rushing through the process will almost certainly lead to your resume promptly being thrown in the trash – meaning you’ll have to spend more time looking for employment.

When you rush, you don’t pay as much attention to detail as you should. A missing word here or a typo there could be all an employer needs to see before they toss your application into the “no” pile.

Or, if you’ve rushed through several applications in a single sitting, and you do get a callback, you probably won’t know too much about that specific company – because you never took the time to learn.

Either way, you’re not going to impress your interviewer (if you even get called in).

3) Not Being Focused

Going along with the last point, if you’re not focused in your job search, you’re not going to end up where you want to be.

It’s easy to send your resume to dozens of potential employers with the click of a button. But how do you know you’re right for the job you’re applying for? And how do you know the job is right for you?

Rather than casting a wide net, take time to apply to postings where your skill set and professional goals align. Otherwise, you’re just wasting the time of everyone involved – especially your own.

4) Missing Opportunities

So many job seekers think the only time they can get their name “out there” is when a company posts an opening.

But think about it; after a posting goes live is when the floodgates open, and hundreds (maybe thousands) of individuals begin sending in their resumes.

On the other hand, when an organization doesn’t have anything posted, most job seekers tend to think there’s no point in reaching out.

Even if a company doesn’t have any openings, you can still connect with the HR department to get your name and resume on file. Then, if anything opens up, you can send an email and remind them they already have all the information on you.

5) Lacking Confidence

If you don’t exude confidence in your application, resume and cover letter, your potential employer won’t ever get the opportunity to know how qualified you are.

Now isn’t the time to be humble. You know what you’ve accomplished, and you know what you’re capable of. Now is the time to shout it to from the rafters.

Are you looking for your next job interview?

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