Important information to hire better and build your career from the experts in human capital.


3 Ways To Address Hiring Issues Head On

Tweet This Quote    “Culture fit is continuing to be extremely important to top talent. Does your culture attract or repel top talent?”  

You don’t need us to tell you that hiring a new employee is an investment unto itself. Not only does finding and bringing aboard the right person for the job cost your organization time and energy, but it also costs money – and lots of it. Case in point, the cost of replacing a managerial-level employee making $40,000 is about $8,000.

What this means, of course, is that you simply can’t afford to face any sort of bumps in the road when making a new hire.

In this article, we’re going to address some of the most common problems hiring managers face when searching for and bringing aboard a new hire – and discuss the most efficient ways of solving these problems.

Tips For Solving Hiring Problems

Tip #1: Finding Qualified Applicants

First and foremost, the process of finding potential employees who are able to do the job in the first place is a monumental task.

The solution, here, is rather straightforward:  Know where to look.

Local universities and colleges within your area are great resources. They are filled with motivated, eager and talented individuals. Current students are perfect candidates for contract positions giving them a sort of “test run” for future employment possibilities.

Career fairs and online job boards can also be a great source of potential employees, as well.  These are often highly competitive among companies, however.

The solution? Staffing firms will certainly be able to provide qualified and vetted candidates, without you having to do much of the legwork. If you find yourself in need of assistance in finding employees in the first place, a staffing firm should be the first place you look. They have connections with universities and colleges and they continuously have a presence at career fairs. They know where to look.

 Looking For the Right Employees? Request Specific Talent Needs, Here…

Tip #2: Finding Best-Fit Applicants

As you may know from experience, “qualified” and “best-fit” are certainly two different things. Simply put: sometimes “qualified” employees look great on paper, but they end up not working out well when placed in an actual position.

So, in order to find the best employee for a given position, you need to know exactly what you’re looking for in a candidate. Your first order of business is to truly get to know your employees, and gain a full understanding of what their day-to-day operations look like as well as how their position contributes to the overall culture of your organization. Remember: culture fit is continuing to be extremely important to top talent. Does your culture attract or repel top talent? This will help you focus your energy on finding candidates who are truly prepared for the task at hand, rather than those who simply “have the qualifications” for the job.

Once you have a true understanding of what you’re looking for, work with your other employees to develop pre-employment tests that measure a candidate’s “fitness” for the job. As an added bonus, this will also help you gain alignment with your new hire before you even officially bring them aboard.

Tip #3: Logistics of Bringing an Employee Aboard

As we said, the process of hiring a new employee can be a monumental task that ties up a number of resources for a decent amount of time. So, your best course of action is to have a blueprint detailing exactly who will be involved at various stages of the process, how long the process should take, and what the expected outcome is.

This is another area in which technology can be incredibly helpful. For example, allowing new hires to fill out their information electronically, with little to no assistance from HR personnel, makes everyone’s job much easier. The same thing goes for training: allowing a new employee to attend virtual training sessions enables them to get started without having to wait for certain staff members to become available.

While scouting, hiring, and bringing aboard a new employee always requires some level of investment on the part of the hiring company, it’s important that said company streamlines as much of the process as possible in order to avoid wasting time, money, and energy unnecessarily. In doing so, the company not only saves valuable resources, but also allows its new employee to get started as soon as possible.

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