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Personal Finance Series: How to Put Some Job Security Into Your Career

Job security can make your work life more satisfying and reduce stress. At-will employment means that employers can dismiss employees for any reason and without warning. Demonstrate the value you bring to your company, and you will be more likely to stay employed or have more employment options. Consider how you can increase your value to your company and on the job market.

Prioritize Your Manager’s Goals

As an employee, your first job is to make your manager’s job easier. Be sure your professional goals and job priorities align with those of your manager. Demonstrate that you are doing your utmost to help the team meet its objectives. Never hesitate to ask for more responsibility if you have the capacity. Keep track of the projects you work on and how specifically you contributed to their success so when it’s time for your review, you can reference that document with your manager.

Be Present

It’s a given that you would never miss a meeting, deadline or assignment. But if you find yourself struggling, you may want to isolate yourself and try to figure it out on your own. Resist this temptation. If a challenge should arise, ask your employer for input or advice rather than getting frustrated or thinking you are alone.

Consider more informal occasions. While company parties, off-site events or other casual interactions may not be mandatory, they are a great way to get to know co-workers, managers, and subordinates on a more in-depth basis. It shows you are engaged and interested in others.

Be an Overachiever

Demonstrate your value to your employer by always putting forth your best effort. Everything you do must be stellar. Show you’re passionate about your work and that it’s one of your top priorities. Set yourself apart from your co-workers by putting in more effort and more time. Take advantage of any available training to further improve your current skills and gain new ones.

Be an Inside Consultant

Employers are always looking to cut costs, save time, and improve processes. Identify areas where your department or company could improve performance or increase efficiency and offer your suggestions to your manager. Look for areas where your team can work more cohesively and help to develop solutions for problem areas.

Share Your Expertise

Showcase skills in your business or industry that no one else in your company knows. Offer to pitch in with other departments and volunteer to work on projects that take advantage of your expertise. When you are seen as a problem solver, your employer will recognize what an asset you are.

Keep Learning

Pursue new skills at every opportunity. Read about your industry online, watch relevant YouTube videos and TED Talks, and sign up for seminars, conferences, and online courses. The more you learn, the better employee you’ll be, and the more valuable you’ll be to your company, thus enhancing your job security. Talk to your manager about your career aspirations and goals. When promotions are available, you’ll immediately come to mind.

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