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Important information to hire better and build
your career from the experts in human capital.

4 Fun Workplace Activities That Can Build Engagement During the Summer
Every year as summer rolls around, office workers across the country start to hit the wall. Wasn’t it just yesterday that summer gave us the

5 Things to Avoid When Applying for a New Job
When on the hunt for a new job, you might feel you need to do everything right. And, well…you pretty much do. Sure, all people

Clean Up Your Online Presence to Control What Shows Up In A Search
I’m almost positive you have. If you haven’t, go ahead and do it right now. I’ll wait. Back? Okay…so what did you find? You might

2 Types of Questions You Should Avoid Asking Candidates
When interviewing prospective employees, you want to get to know as much as possible about them. But, not all questions are appropriate – or legal

Should You Accept Your First Job Offer?
Let’s be frank, finding a new job isn’t always easy. When you finally hear back from an interviewer, it can be tempting to agree to

Tips For Using Social Media to Recruit Qualified Employees
Though social media today is dominated by political discussions and cute cat pictures, it’s an effective way for employers to unearth top-quality employee candidates. While

Improve Your Personal and Professional Branding
Whether you’re aware of it or not: You are your own brand. Just as Nike is a sporting goods brand, you have a persona that

Improve Your Personal and Professional Branding
Whether you’re aware of it or not: You are your own brand. Just as Nike is a sporting goods brand, you have a persona that