National Wellness Month: How Can Employers and Employees Address What’s Important?
National Wellness Month, celebrated in August, is a perfect time for both employers and employees to reflect on and enhance their well-being practices. With the growing recognition of the importance of mental, physical, and emotional health in the workplace, there are numerous strategies that can be adopted to foster a healthier, more productive environment. Here’s […]
A Selection of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s Most Powerful Quotes
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. continues to inspire and lead us onward with his words. As we celebrate MLK Jr.’s legacy today, take some time to read these. Consider looking up the full speeches for these quotes to experience the full impact of the quotes in context. Most of these are posted on the Martin […]
Our Core Values: Value #7 Resourceful & Innovative
The Panther Group, serves the professional, accounting and finance, engineering, life sciences, information technology, and federal industries with pride. And powering our motivation every day are our core values. These core values keep us focused on our mission—to staff your company and help you with job searches. They keep our team motivated and are the […]
Our Core Values: Value#6 Empowerment
The Panther Group, serving the professional, accounting and finance, engineering, life sciences, information technology, and federal industries prides itself on its core values. These core values keep us focused on our mission—to staff your company and help you with job searches. The core values keep our team motivated and are the reason we get up […]
These Are Our Core Values – Our Name Says it All!
The Panther Group is Truly Your Recruitment and Job Search Partner Our Name Says it All! P–A–N–T–H–E–R P – Partnership and Collaboration We partner with you to land that new job or collaborate with your team to match the right staffing solutions to your company’s needs. We believe that starting with a partnership is […]
Innovation Can Be The Key To Growth
Continually improving upon your existing ways of conducting business and product offerings is essential to keep your business moving forward. Innovation can open new markets as well as encouraging existing customers to repurchase. If they have been satisfied with your products and services previously, why would they not buy innovative new products from you? Why […]