How Has Finding A Job Changed in 2021?

How Has Finding A Job Changed in 2021? The Panther Group

As we begin to get back to normal or at least find a new equilibrium after the pandemic and recession of 2020, you’ll notice the job market has changed. There will be more remote positions available and a greater focus on safety among both employers and job candidates. Your search methods should take these changes into […]

Empower Yourself To Grow Your Career

Popular culture is full of stories of people who wake up one day to find that they are not leading the kind of life they want. Typically, these are people who got swept up in the day-to-day obligations and commitments like family, for example, or they fell into a position that seemed like a decent […]

How Can You Be More Creative at Work?

When people discuss creativity, they often believe it is a quality limited to artists, but that is not the case. Any time when you are innovative or resourceful, you are creative. Scientists working on a cure for diseases are creative. Engineers are creative in solving problems. Even individuals with careers in business are creative. It is evident when they develop new approaches […]

Taking it Remote: Ramping up Quickly When Working from Home

Remote work has grown increasingly common in recent years. And why not? With improved technology making it seamless, many employees can work from home, or even traveling the world as digital nomads. But most remote workers have a choice. They’ve had training, the opportunity to set up a home office and created systems that allow […]