Understanding the Complexities of Talent Acquisition As A Company With Government Contracts

As a senior leader at a company with government contracts, your talent acquisition strategies must be unique and aligned with the regulations and requirements of government agencies. Attracting, recruiting, and retaining top talent can be challenging in a highly regulated industry, but with the right approach and mindset, it’s possible to build a team that […]

Talent Acquisition and Retention Tips For the Busy Team Lead

As a manager of a team, you know how important it is to have the right people on your team. But finding the right talent can be a daunting task. The job market is constantly changing, and it can be challenging to keep up with the latest recruitment trends. In this blog, we’ll share some […]

Recruitment Partnerships Net Better Results

a hiring team making progress because they partner with The Panther Group to source professional talent

As a hiring manager, one of the most crucial tasks is finding the right talent for your organization. However, with the job market becoming increasingly competitive, finding the right candidate can be a challenging and time-consuming process. Perhaps you are facing any number of challenges in today’s job market. One of the biggest pain points […]

How to Provide Constructive Feedback to Your Team

a manager provides constructive feedback to her team especially because she has a new hire that she found through The Panther Group

As a leader, providing feedback to your team members is a critical part of their growth and development. However, giving feedback can be tricky. It’s essential to deliver constructive feedback in a way that motivates and inspires, rather than discourages or demotivates your team members. Here are some tips to help you provide constructive feedback […]

Even The Most Experienced Professionals Forget This

Two men discussing company culture so they can better recruit and retain employees

In the fast-paced world we live in, it’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind and forget the bigger picture. As professionals, we often focus solely on our career goals and how to achieve them, but it’s important to remember that our career and job is not only important to us, but also […]

4 Reasons Why the Panther Group Is Your True Workforce Management Partner

4 Reasons Why the Panther Group Is Your True Workforce Management Partner The Panther Group

The Panther Group has been helping employers find top talent for professional, accounting & finance, engineering, life sciences, information technology, and federal positions since 1992. They began providing workforce management services when Panther Workforce Solutions was established in 2003. We have a long history of operating successfully in a sector many companies are just now […]