Important information to hire better and build your career from the experts in human capital.


What Interview Questions Will Help You Get the Right Talent?

Upon posting a job opening, you’ll receive countless applications and resumes – and will narrow down the pile to a select few who have the right qualifications for the job.

Once you’ve decided to bring an applicant in for an interview, you’ll want to ensure the questions you ask elicit information that will tell you whether or not that person is right for the job.

You don’t want to waste time in an interview discussing information you could easily get from the applicant’s resume. Instead, dive deeper by asking questions concerning the following:

Cultural Fit

Even if an applicant looks good on paper, you’ll want to know that they’ll jibe with your organization’s community and overall mission.

You might ask them to describe their ideal work environment. If, for example, they report that they enjoy working alone, but your organization thrives on collaboration, you’d know right from the start that they aren’t the right person for the job.

You also might ask what they look for in a supervisor. Do they need to be told what to do, and how to do it? Or are they fairly autonomous once they’ve been guided in the right direction? Depending on your organization, and the role the applicant will play within it, this information can tell you a lot.

Critical Thinking

Again, an applicant might have the proper credentials and knowledge, but what matters is whether they can put this knowledge into practice. This is where situational questions come into play.

Describe a typical scenario the applicant would face on a regular basis, and ask them how they would go about solving a certain problem. The standout applicant will provide answers that discuss protocol and resources, as well as outside-the-box options.

The answers provided to these types of questions will help you separate applicants who would need on-the-job training from those who are ready to hit the ground running.

Work Ethic

Though you can get a good idea of an applicant’s work ethic by checking out their extracurriculars, you’ll still want to dive a bit deeper.

Assess how they define success and failure, as well as times they’ve experienced both. How did they know they had succeeded or failed? What did they do after the fact?

By assessing an applicant’s work ethic, you’ll discover whether they’ll be an asset to your organization – or a liability.

Are you looking for new talent that will be a great culture fit?

The Panther Group can help you find talented employees that will bring value to your company and help you reach your goals faster.  Contact us today to find new talent!
