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How To Find Your Strengths and Maximize Them In Your Personal Life and Career

How To Find Your Strengths and Maximize Them In Your Personal Life and Career - The Panther Group

When people begin their careers, their focus is often on simply landing their first job and getting to work. Their top priority might be getting a foot in with an employer or taking care of student loans, but they just put their heads down and get to work. They don’t take the time to take a step back and consider whether they are making the most of their strengths. If you are considering a career change or just want to make the most of your current career, there are steps you can take to find and maximize your strength. 

How Do My Strengths Impact My Personal Life and Career?

1. What do you like best? 

Consider what you do well and what you enjoy doing. It takes time to get comfortable in your field and see where you excel.  Take note of what seems to come easier to you than it does for most. It’s possible to be exceptional at something you don’t like doing Don’t focus your attention on building these skills, concentrate instead on the skills that both advance your career and bring you joy. Look for patterns. If you have a record of performance reviews, note what you have been consistently praised for. 

2. Talk to friends and colleagues 

They may recognize competencies you take for granted that will be valuable to employers. If you have worked on projects with coworkers, ask them to be honest with you on any skills or weaknesses they identified. Were you able to take on a leadership role? Did you take control of organizing the project? Were you able to effectively communicate tasks and objectives to others on the project? Those who worked with you can tell you firsthand. 

3. Don’t focus on weakness 

People get caught up in improving their weaknesses rather than building their strengths. If you have flaws that are holding you back, by all means, do what it takes to rectify themHowever, it’s often much more productive to build your strengths rather than focus on the negative. It may be a frustrating and uphill battle. 

4. Work with a professional 

A business coach, outplacement service or similar organization can help you make smart decisions for your career. They can administer tests to identify your strengths and counsel you on how to develop those competencies further. They can help direct you into fields or positions that will make the most of your strengths. You can also test yourself if you don’t have access to assistance. There are online tests available that can identify your strong points. 

Now, put your strengths to work.  

At The Panther Group, our greatest ability is matching professionals with opportunities where they will thrive.  We can connect you with employers where you can make the most of your skills and build a fulfilling career. When you are ready to take the next step, contact us! 

There is no cost to finding a job through The Panther Group! We serve the following industries: Professional, Accounting & Finance, Engineering, Life Sciences, Information Technology, Federal 

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