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How to Teach, Coach, and Manage Employees to Set Great Goals

Success is the combined result of many factors—hard work, dedication, teamwork, failures and mistakes, accountability, and adjustments. This is true in sports, business, and relationships. Without a goal to work toward, it is easy to get off track, waste effort and accomplish nothing. If you manage employees, it ipart of your job to guide them in the goal-setting process. Here is how to teach, coach, and manage employees to set great goals. 

 5 Tips For Helping Your Team Set Great Goals

1. Set an example 

Goals start at the top. If your employees do not recognize that you are setting and working toward goals of your own, they may not see the valueIt can be difficult for them to set goals that contribute toward the company goals if they do not have your example as guidance. Company goals should be clear, precise, and effectively communicated at every level. Publish them where your employees can refer to them, discuss them often and be straightforward about your progress. 

2. Establish accomplishment goals 

There are three types of goals each employee should set: accomplishment, efficiency, and development. Accomplishment goals are easy. They refer to the output your employees achieve—churning out a certain number of widgets, meeting with a specific number of clients, or selling a target number of products. They are easily measurable and tell the employee exactly where they should be focusing their efforts and whether they are reaching that metric 

3. Set efficiency goals 

Efficiency goals reflect how effectively an employee does their job. It encourages them to work faster or more thoroughly. It goes beyond just producing a specified number of widgets, to include time frame and quality goals. An efficiency goal might aim to reduce the manufacturing time, communicate more frequently with other stakeholders, or improve organization. They are not as easily measurable, but they support accomplishment goals.  

4. Create developmental goals 

Work with your employees to set developmental goals, which target their individualized learning and growth. It might include obtaining an important certification or licensure, taking online courses, or attending relevant workshops and conferences. Not only will your company benefit from their newly acquired skills and knowledge, you will also help them build a solid resume to reference when they are ready for a promotion or new responsibilities. In turn, your employees will feel respected and valued, knowing that you are willing to invest in their futures. 

5. Track performance 

After reviewing and finalizing goals with each employee, schedule check-in meetings, perhaps, once a month or once a quarter to keep them on track throughout the year. In a year’s time, an employee can easily lose sight of their goals and run off in the wrong direction. Praise their efforts, recognize their achievements and progress, and talk about setbacks they are having. Support them with additional resources, advice, and encouragement. 

Looking for the right workforce management partner? 

For more information on workforce solutions, contact our team at The Panther Group. 

